Tag - egg labelling

Free range has a new National Standard

Free range Free range National Standard Free range National Standard Free range egg labeling will have a new National Information Standard (‘the Standard’) from 26 April 2018. It will be enforced by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) under the Australian Consumer Law (ACL). Importantly, the new Standard is in addition to any existing laws in your state or territory regarding free range. The ACCC has produced a tiny three page guide on Free range chicken egg claims for free range egg producers. [...]


Free Range Labelling Under Threat Due to Bird Flu – Europe

Poultry in Europe have been forced indoors to protect them from a dangerous type of avian influenza. However EU rules mean that if the birds are ordered indoors for more than twelve weeks their products can no longer be listed as free range. European countries are facing the real and potential loss of free range status, the National Farmers Union’s Chief Poultry advisor Gary Ford wrote: “The impact that this will have on the British free range poultry industry has [...]


Free Range Egg Labelling – Have your say

On 31 March 2016, Consumer Affairs Ministers agreed to the introduction of an information standard requiring eggs labelled as ‘free range’ to have been laid by hens that had meaningful and regular access to an outdoor range, and were subject to an outdoor stocking density of 10,000 hens per hectare or less. The information standard will require producers to prominently disclose the outdoor stocking density of hens laying free range eggs on their packaging allowing consumers to easily compare different [...]