Tag - egg management

Have your say

If you are a poultry farmer, or have an interest in poultry, then this is of particular importance, given the recent release of the proposed Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines. The public consultation papers include a draft standard which marks a significant step in Australia, moving from the existing voluntary system to national regulation. The ABC news is reporting that the RSPCA is encouraging its supporters to oppose the proposal. Good animal husbandry and practice is based on facts [...]


Best quality hatching eggs

The most important goal of any fertile-egg producer is to be the best, consistent quality supplier of the best quality hatching eggs to the hatcheries. Everything starts at the breeder level, …Uniform hatching eggs of good quality is the result of good breeder management… It starts with the breeder pullets that he receives. Uniform eggs from uniform hens is what the business is all about. The lighting programme should be set so as to stimulate the hens to lay the majority [...]