How do I place an order?

We have deliberately not produced a shopping cart type site with its attendant structures. We still like to speak with and have interaction with our customers and all the information in the world cannot replace a conversation and direct advice.

However, if you know what you want, and you wish to confirm price, availability, freight costs, and delivery times, the following is a suitable online order system. It takes a few more key strokes than the shopping trolley, but works just as well.


Go to the contact information at the bottom of each page. An example is in the box below. Click on the email address and your browser will automatically load a new email.

Contact Us
Phone: 03 9796 7044
Fax: 03 9796 7033
Post: P.O. Box 1233, Narre Warren, VIC 3805
Showroom: Unit 8, 5-7 Vesper Drive, Narre Warren, VIC 3805


Minimise the email using the minus sign on the top toolbar of the browser.


Browse the pages which interest you. If you wish to order an item, just highlight the item in the pricelist by holding down the left mouse button while moving the cursor over the item part number, description and price.


Copy the line using the “Ctrl C” function.


Reopen the email by clicking on the lower toolbar where the minimised email is waiting.


Add the item to the email by “Ctrl V”
Mimimise and browse again.
Repeat as many times as you wish, then simply add any other comments and questions you may have, and send the email. We will reply in a timely manner.